Para realizar o upload e download de objetos em um bucket S3, normalmente são necessárias credenciais de acesso (API key e secret key), pois essas operações precisam ser autenticadas. No entanto, existe uma maneira de criar URLs temporárias e seguras para operações específicas, como PUT (upload) ou GET (download), sem a necessidade de compartilhar as credenciais. Essas são as URLs pré-assinadas (presigned URLs).
URLs pré-assinadas são usadas em cenários de upload direto, permitindo que um cliente envie arquivos diretamente para o S3, sem que a aplicação precise expor suas credenciais de acesso.
config = "../params/br-ne1.yaml"
from s3_helpers import run_example, delete_object_and_wait
import requests
import os
config = os.getenv("CONFIG", config)
Gera uma URL para download (GET) de um objeto existente. Posteriormente faz o download deste objeto através da URL temporária gerada.
def test_presigned_get_url(s3_client, bucket_with_one_object):
bucket_name, object_key, content = bucket_with_one_object
# Generate a presigned GET URL for the object
presigned_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
Params={"Bucket": bucket_name, "Key": object_key},
# Assert that the presigned URL is generated
assert presigned_url, "Failed to generate presigned GET URL."
print(f"Presigned GET URL created: {presigned_url}")
# Use the presigned URL to retrieve the object
print("Starting GET request...")
response = requests.get(presigned_url)
# Assertions to confirm retrieval success and content match
assert response.status_code == 200, f"GET request failed with status code {response.status_code}"
assert response.content == content, "Downloaded content does not match the original content."
print(f"Object downloaded: {content}")
run_example(__name__, "test_presigned_get_url", config=config)
Gera uma URL para upload (PUT) de um objeto e utiliza essa URL para enviar dados ao bucket S3.
def test_presigned_put_url(s3_client, existing_bucket_name):
bucket_name = existing_bucket_name
# Define the object key and content
object_key = "test-upload-object.txt"
content = b"Sample content for presigned PUT test."
# Generate a presigned PUT URL
presigned_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
Params={"Bucket": bucket_name, "Key": object_key},
# Assert that the presigned URL is generated
assert presigned_url, "Failed to generate presigned PUT URL."
print(f"Presigned PUT URL created: {presigned_url}")
# Use the presigned URL to upload the content
print("Starting PUT request...")
response = requests.put(presigned_url, data=content)
# Assert the upload succeeded
assert response.status_code == 200, f"PUT request failed with status code {response.status_code}"
# Verify the object exists and its content matches
head_response = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_key)
assert head_response["ContentLength"] == len(content), "Uploaded content size mismatch."
print(f"Object '{object_key}' uploaded successfully and content verified.")
# Cleanup: delete the uploaded object
delete_object_and_wait(s3_client, bucket_name, object_key)
run_example(__name__, "test_presigned_put_url", config=config)